
Welcome! The Division for Early Childhood (DEC)  of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is  an international membership organization for those who work with, or on behalf of, young children (0-8) with disabilities and other special needs, and their families.  DEC Collaborate provides parents and professionals an online format to facilitate discussions and resource sharing through a library.

Let's get started.

1. Login (DEC Members) OR Create an account (New Non-Members). 
2. Adjust your subscription settings. 
3. Join a Community. DEC Members are automatically members of the DEC Community.
Anyone can join DEC Communities of Practice. 

4. Start collaborating - post a messagebrowse current discussions to share your expertise, and search library entries.

Rules for Posting

What's okay to post?

  1. Discussion posts with requests for resources, resource recommendations, free event recommendations, etc.
  2. Job posts on the DEC Community (this is a DEC member benefit!). If you are not a DEC member, please visit the Career Center to post your job listing! 
  3. Research requests that have been approved by the DEC Research Committee. Submit your research request here for the committee to review! 

Read the full rules for posting to DEC Collaborate here.

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